As mentioned above, there are various methods of counting cards in Blackjack. We will introduce them in this paragraph, but you should know that to better remember them, you can use some tools.
In fact, in addition to the various mental calculation tricks, there are also some applications available on your mobile phone to help you. Be careful though, as the use of these applications for phones is forbidden in land-based establishments.
The Hi Opt 1
Here, when the countdown is going to be high (between +2 and +4 for example) your response should be to increase your bets as your odds of winning are higher. When the countdown is low, say between -1 and -3, you will know that you should limit your investments.
Hi Opt 2
This alternative is a bit more complex than the previous one and introduces two new values that we will also find in the following solutions, the +2 and the -2. The calculation is therefore more complicated and is therefore only suitable for experienced users.
The Zen
Here is how the countdown will be done with this solution, which can certainly be applied in online games, but is easy enough to use in a live environment around a real table in a land-based establishment:
- Ace = -1;
- 10, Jack, Queen and King = -2;
- 8 and 9 = 0;
- 2, 3 and 7 = +1;
- 4, 5 and 6 = +2.
The Red 7 method
The particularity here is that the 7 is given a value depending on its colour. The red 7 (hence the name “Red 7”) is worth +1 while the black 7 is worth 0.
The KO

The special thing about this alternative, which is based on the hilow, is that the 7 becomes a low card, instead of being neutral. When it comes out, you will add +1 to your count. The rest of the operation does not change at all.
The Omega 2
This calculation system is one of the most complex in the world of counting in this game of chance. The cards have different scores, which are listed here:
- The 9 is -1;
- 10, Jack, Queen and King are worth -2;
- Ace and 8 are worth 0;
- 2, 3 and 7 are worth +1;
- 5, 6 and 7 are worth +2.
The lower the result, the more careful you have to be, as the strong cards will already be out.
This is short for Ridiculously Easy KO. You need to know how many decks are in the deck and multiply that number by -2. If there are 8 decks, the initial score is -16 and the calculation starts there. Indeed, you don’t start here at zero like with the other solutions. Note that the REKO is simpler to use, but on the other hand, the fewer decks there are in the deck, the less powerful it is.
Keep it simple and unobtrusive
Forget about the very eccentric outfits and the equally eccentric behavior. When it comes to anticipating draws during games, you have to keep it small. Since proper dress is required, stick to simple but classy clothes, remain discreet and friendly.
Don’t yo-yo your bets
The idea is not to draw attention to yourself, so try to keep a balanced pace of play. This means not yo-yoing your bets, but also trying to stay at the same table as long as possible.
Don’t use an app
In the bonus content we delivered in the previous section, we talked about relying on apps to do the counting. While this advice is valid for your practice sessions, of course ban it from your live sessions in the gaming houses as the use of such apps is understandably strictly prohibited.
Chat with other players

What better way to pass for a normal visitor than to do what everyone else is doing, i.e. engage in conversation with your neighbours. Of course, to do this, you’ll need to have a perfect command of the solutions listed on this page, as calculating and chatting at the same time is not for everyone… However, if you manage to do this, you’ll blend in perfectly and the establishment will never spot you.
Never forget that the casino is watching you
And yes, the establishment could spot you. Video cameras are installed everywhere and customers are closely watched, especially those who have a strange winning streak… So never forget that and stay discreet at all times.
Which system do we recommend?
In the case of blackjack, both systems are particularly effective. The “Hi-low” method, remains the leading option for blackjack card counting that players can use in regular sessions. The True Count method, on the other hand, gives you a near maximum probability of winning.
We can only recommend the second option. The former is particularly well known to the casinos and they may discover your use. In the second option, you will have the opportunity to practice by playing in free blackjack games.
Once you understand the principle and how it works, you can then go to an internet casino offering real money sessions.